New User Registration

Registration Info
Flight Request (Optional)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
17 Feb. has been selected

Operating Procedures


1.Airborn Flight Services, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) strives to provide structured yet flexible programs to pilots of all levels. Your cooperation in following these operating procedures will ensure safety and effectiveness of the training process and a pleasant renting experience.

2.Company is committed to providing quality working and training environment for all people. Foul language, harassment on any basis, aggressive remarks toward any of the fellow pilots or Company employees will not be tolerated and is subject to disciplinary actions such as suspension or termination.

3.Company makes all efforts to protect clients’ privacy. No information will be released to anyone except to law enforcement agencies in accordance with the law.

4.Flights must be conducted in compliance with the Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Title 14 CFR) and aircraft limitations.

5.Pilot in Command (PIC) is financially responsible for any damage to interior and exterior of the aircraft arising from his/her action or inaction. See the section Insurance for additional provisions.

6.If any exterior or interior damage is found during the preflight inspection, it shall be reported to the dispatch prior to initiating a flight. If no report is made, the PIC will be charged for the damage.

7.Pilots shall keep the Company’s aircraft clean of trash. It is allowed to bring food (snack only) and drink in the aircraft; however it is the pilot’s responsibility that no damage to the interior occurs.

8.All equipment malfunction noted during the flight must be logged in the Discrepancy Log.

9.No flight should be made with an open discrepancy unless it is a non-airworthiness item and is deferred by an authorized company representative. This is indicated by a note in the corresponding Discrepancy Log entry, date and signature.

10.Only pilots authorized by the Company are allowed to pilot the Company aircraft.

11.Every renter is subject to Company check-outs every twelve (12) months. Knowledge and skill must be demonstrated at the level required by the FAA standards for the pilot certificate held.

12.Flight with inoperative equipment may be conducted only in accordance with Title 14 CFR and these procedures.

13.Flights outside the continental U.S. are prohibited.

14.Any accident, incident or violation of Title 14 CFR must be immediately reported to the Company by the most expeditious means. PIC may be grounded while the investigation is being conducted.

15.No landing on other than hard surfaces is allowed.

16.Minimum runway length is 2,500 feet.

17.Taxiing over tie-down ropes and locks is strictly prohibited. Propeller damage may occur.

18.No smoking in the aircraft or within 50 feet of it is allowed.

19.Fueling must be done according to dispatch request. In some cases less than full tanks are required due to weight limitations.

20.Fueling at the self-serve pumps may be conducted only after receiving training from a Company authorized representative.

21.It is the responsibility of the PIC to ensure that after the flight, the parking checklist is completed, all switches are off, tie-downs are in place and doors and windows are closed and locked. Failure to do so my result in damage to aircraft and subsequent charges.

22.Wing and tail covers must be replaced after the flight when requested by dispatch during winter months (December-February).


1.Liability Coverage. Airborn Flight Services, Inc. carries insurance which provides liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage in the amount of $1,000,000 subject to a per passenger sub limit of $100,000. This coverage applies to Airborn Flight Services, Inc. If you do not feel this coverage is adequate, we suggest you carry additional insurance.

2.Aircraft Physical Damage Coverage. The coverage also applies to hull coverage for the aircraft but is subject to a $2,500 deductible. All pilots are required to carry renter’s insurance to cover the deductible.

3.No pilot is allowed to make a charge to anyone for the use of the Company’s aircraft except for sharing the expenses as per Title 14 CFR unless the pilot is the Company’s approved instructor.

4.The above coverage is in effect provided all FAA and company Operating Procedures are followed.


1.All students are required to follow the Company’s training syllabi. A student is allowed to start at a more advanced level in the program only after a successful demonstration of knowledge and skills required up to that point.

2.The sequence of lessons may be changed only by the student’s authorized Certified Flight Instructor.

3.All study assignments, all required quizzes and tests must be completed before the advancement to the next study unit is allowed. Passing grade for quizzes and tests is 80%.

4.Local solo flight weather minimums: visibility minimum 5 miles, lowest layer of clouds 3000 feet AGL, maximum cross-wind component 10 knots.

5.Cross-country solo flight weather minimums: visibility greater than 6 miles, lowest layer of clouds along the whole route 5000 feet AGL, maximum cross-wind component 10 knots.

Scheduling and Dispatch

1.No flight is allowed without prior scheduling.

2.No scheduling or dispatch is allowed if there is an outstanding balance on the pilot’s account except when approved by the Company manager.

3.Unless the cancellation is due to weather, all cancellations must be made at least four (4) hours prior to the scheduled time. Rescheduling is considered a cancellation.

4.In case of a rental flight, reservations must be made only by the PIC. In case of a training session, reservations may be made by the student or his/her instructor.

5.If a pilot/student is more than 30 minutes late, the reserved resource will be released.

6.The PIC for the flight must present to the dispatcher all personal documents required by the Title 14 CFR 61.3 before issuance of aircraft keys. In addition to that, students going on solo flights must present all required endorsements.

7.Aircraft and training devices must be returned by the end of the reserved time block unless unable due to weather or mechanical malfunction.

Charges and Payments

1.All services are charged at the current Company rates.

2.Rates are subject to change without notice.

3.Aircraft rental rates include cost of fuel.

4.Pilots are reimbursed ONLY for fuel and oil expenses.

5.Unless caused by weather or mechanical malfunction, the following events are subject to cancellation fees: cancellations less than four (4) hours prior to scheduled time, no-shows, late arrivals or damage to the aircraft that result in the next flight cancellation.

6.Cancellation fee schedule is as follows:

a.Aircraft rental, flight lesson, simulator session – 50% of the booked time.

b.Ground lesson – 100% of the booked time.

7.Extended aircraft rental blocks are subject to the following minimum charges. If an aircraft is booked for seven (7) hours or more, minimum charge Monday through Friday is two (2) hours, Saturday and Sunday – three (3) hours.

8.Payment is due upon completion of the flight or a training activity. If payment is not collected at that time, the Company will try to contact you for payment for two business days. If unsuccessful, the Company reserves the right to charge your credit card on file for outstanding balance.

9.If pilot elects not to leave his/her credit card authorization on file, a cash deposit must be made prior to dispatch. The amount of the deposit is determined by the following formula: current rate for the activity times (the reserved time less ½ hour).

10.All outstanding balances more than 5 business days old will be subject to a finance charge of 20% per year (1.67% per month)

11.In case of default, all collection and attorney fees are added to the outstanding balance.

Extended (Vacation) Rentals

  1. We are the only company allowing pilots to rent airplanes for as long as a week at a time. The conditions are:
  2. Long-term rentals covering one weekend incur a minimum charge of 10 hours by tachometer. If two weekends are covered, the minimum charge is for 15 hours.
  3. Full prepayment for the minimum charge in the form of cash or a check is required. The prepayment is calculated based on the dry rates. If the airplane is returned with less fuel than taken, the final fuel charge is added to the bill.
  4. Long-term reservations are approved on a case-by-case basis.
  5. Long term reservations should not interfere with pilot training activities. Checkrides have higher priority over long-term rentals. Please book well in advance.
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