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The following weather minimums apply to training flights as indicated at takeoff time and must be forecast to remain at or above the minimums for the planned duration of the flight plus one hour.


Local: 800` ceiling, 1 mile visibility in uncontrolled airspace and with special VFR clearance in CLASS D.

1200` ceiling, 3 miles visibility in other controlled airspaces.

Cross Country: 2500` ceiling, 3 miles visibility.

Maximum Wind: 25 knots. Maximum crosswind component for two place aircraft – 12 knots; for 4 place aircraft – 15 knots.


Local: Highest circling approach minimums prescribed for the departure airport with alternate airport minimums as prescribed by FAR 91.169(c).

Cross Country: Take off minimums are lowest landing minimums prescribed for departure airport. Minimums for destination airport are as prescribed in FAR 91.169.


Student Local: 1500` ceiling, 3 miles visibility. Maximum wind 18 knots. Maximum crosswind component 10 knots.

Private Local: 1200` ceiling, 3 miles visibility (non instrument rated). 800` ceiling, 1 mile visibility (instrument rated). Maximum wind 25 knots. Maximum crosswind component 2 place aircraft 12 knots; 4 place aircraft 15 knots.

Student Cross Country: 3000` ceiling, 5 miles visibility. Maximum Wind: 18 knots surface wind, 10 knots maximum crosswind component all airports of intended landing.

Private Cross Country: 1500` ceiling, 3 miles visibility. Maximum Wind: 25 knots surface wind, 15 knots maximum crosswind component all airports of intended landing.


A flight instructor will be in the aircraft for all pre-solo engine starts.

The checklist provided in each aircraft packet will be used for all aircraft engine starts.


Taxiing on the ramp and in the vicinity of other aircraft shall be at a slow walk.

If not absolutely sure of your clearance in a tight area, stop and obtain an outside observer to verify wingtip clearance.

Position controls with respect to the wind at all times while taxiing.

Do not ride the brakes. To reduce taxi speed, reduce throttle.


Review frequently so as to stay current on emergency procedures for electrical and engine fires covered in your aircraft operating manual.

Know where fire extinguishers are located on the ground.

Do not allow anyone to fuel your aircraft without a bonding strap attached.

Smoking is prohibited on the ramp within 50 feet of an aircraft and in the aircraft at all times.


Make every reasonable effort to notify the office or key personnel as soon as possible after an unscheduled landing caused by mechanical or weather problems. (904) 824-9410

If you must leave the aircraft unattended, insure that the controls are locked, the aircraft is tied down and chocked, all windows are closed and doors are locked.

Mechanical problems that develop away from home base must have home office approval before incurring any expense to repair. (904) 824-9401


Keep notes during flight on any mechanical, electrical or avionics problems so that you won’t forget to report them at the end of your flight.

All discrepancies will be written on the form provided in the aircraft packet.


Aircraft will be tied down and chocked and controls locked at the end of each flight.

Fuel will be called for by the pilot returning the aircraft whenever the fuel is less than half full.

Office personnel will insure that all aircraft are locked prior to closing for the night.


Local: Minimum fuel for takeoff is half full. Land prior to gauges showing one-fourth full.

Cross Country: Fuel will be no less than that required to complete the flight as planned plus one hour of flying time reserve. Fuel will be checked visually full or with sight gauge.


Visual surveillance for other aircraft both in flight and on the ground is the responsibility of everyone in the aircraft including student, instructor, observer and passengers. Pilots will brief their passengers on this responsibility before each flight.

Straight-in approaches at non-towered airports are prohibited.

Do not descend in the traffic pattern; be at pattern altitude prior to entering.

Do not violate the VFR distance from clouds rules prescribed in FAR 91.155.

Clearing turns will be made prior to all practice maneuvers.

“S” turns will be made while climbing.

Turn landing light on when approaching the airport for landing and while operating in the traffic pattern.


Student Pilots on solo flights will not fly below 1000 feet except as directed by their instructor for ground reference maneuver practice only. Student Pilots will not practice engine failure approaches except in the traffic pattern at an approved airport.

Instructors will not permit descent below 500 feet during engine failure practice or for any other purpose on dual flights.

Engine shut down and VMC demonstrations in multi-engine aircraft are prohibited below 3000 feet AGL.


Acrobatic maneuvers which include any intentional maneuver involving an abrupt change in an aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight such as stalls, steep turns, slow flight, chandelles and lazy eights are prohibited by FAR 91.303 over congested areas, on civil airways and at less than 1500 feet above the surface. A designated practice area has been established for the conduct of these training maneuvers.

The “PRACTICE AREA” is that area that is northwest of the St. Augustine Airport bounded on the East side by Interstate 95; on the North by the Jacksonville Navy Airport CLASS D which extends to approximately the mouth of Jullington Creek on the St. Johns River; on the West by the St. Johns River; on the South by SR 207.

This area is depicted on the Map as Appendix A.

Other instructional activity and practice maneuvers may be conducted in the local area within 25 NM of the St. Augustine airport, at the discretion of the instructor, in compliance with other applicable FAR’s. Instructors and their students will avoid the use of areas in the immediate vicinity of the Final Approach Fixes and Instrument Approach Courses of the various airports for training other than instrument approaches using those facilities.

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